I have upgraded the underlying CMS for the website (which is WordPress) to the latest version. This shouldn’t affect much about the site to the readers, but it fixes several under-the-hood problems.
I also added (and slightly hacked) a plugin for producing go diagrams. This should be available even in the comment sections. You can produce images and the images should link to SGF’s which can be downloaded. Right now it is still pretty buggy (comments don’t come out properly for some reason). When I have more time, I’ll try to fix it.
Entering boards is pretty straightforward, and the syntax (aside from comments) should be the same as used by Sensei’s Library, except that you have to surround the block of text specifying the document with the tags [ go ] [ /go ] (without the spaces). Here is an example:
$$ ——————
$$ | . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . 7 3 X d . . .
$$ | . . O 1 O 6 . . .
$$ | . . 4 2 5 c . . .
$$ | . . 8 X a . . . .
$$ | . . . b . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . .