Three up-coming campus events from Go Club at UCF: casual play this Sunday evening 7p-10p at the Student Union, Hikaru no Go night with the UCF anime club Sunday June 28, and a follow-up Go showcase event (probably) the Wednesday after that. More information below the cut.
Last year Josh took the long descent into near madness for the good of Go in Orlando by navigating the labyrinthic bureaucracy of UCF to create a full-fledged UCF club. We’ll let him enjoy Germany a while and try not to remind him too often that he’ll have to essentially repeat that process in the fall …
But since there is a “sister club” at UCF on paper, perhaps it is time that this club actually met? We aren’t eliminating Go Orlando or shutting down Tuesdy meetings at Barnes & Noble, but we would like to see if we can grow interest in Go by focusing on UCF a bit more. Moreover, there are a number of students on campus that play Go but cannot make it to Go Orlando‘s weekly meetings because of transportation reasons. Thanks largely to Jonathan Sarry, we have three up-coming events on campus. If you are not a UCF staff member or student and you happen to stop by, we will not kick you out (i.e., please come by).
First, this coming Sunday we will meet at the UCF Student Union from 7p-10p to play Go. The main point of this exercise is to assess what kinds of logistical issues there might be, so we’ll meet just outside Wackadoos inside the SU and migrate to an appropriate location. If you get there late, you may want to look around or call me on my cell phone (email me if you want but don’t have it). Parking restrictions are not enforced on the weekend, so you do not need a parking pass to park on campus at that time. Directions from east-bound 408 appear at the bottom of this post.
Second, Jonathan has arranged a joint event with Anime Spot UCF, the UCF anime club. On Sunday, June 28 we will watch a few episodes of Hikaru no Go and perhaps talk a little bit about the game of Go. The purpose is to increase our interaction with other student groups and to (hopefully) generate more interest in Go. I’ll post the time and location soon.
Finally, Jonathan had the great idea to follow up from the anime event as quickly as possible with some kind of on-campus event during the day. He suggests Wednesday, July 1st. Since classes let out in early afternoon in the summer, the tumbleweeds start blowing by 3p. This suggests we “setup” perhaps around 2p or so. We’re still in the planning stages of this one, so feedback is appreciated.
Directions to UCF from east-bound 408:
- Take the N. Alafaya Trail Exit (exit 21, I think);
- Turn left at the bottom of the ramp onto N. Alafaya Trail;
- Drive north on N. Alafaya Trail for about 3.7 miles;
- Turn Right onto Centaurus Dr.;
- Continue straight on Centaurus through the intersection with Gemini Blvd.;
- There’s a parking deck on your right (garage H) that should be open at that time on a Sunday;
- Walk east to the center of campus — everything revolves around the student center …
An interactive campus map can be found at:
Printable campus maps can be found at:
Google directions can be found here.
Note: I was reminded that lots H1 and H2 behind the visual arts building are current closed due to construction (thanks Joe), so garage H is your best bet.