There are some ideas going around about having an event for Go Orlando before the May tournament, and I wanted to know everyone’s thoughts. I’ve heard two, please tell me what you think of them and whether or not you have any other ideas.
-Firstly, a Go club camping trip/barbecue. There are numerous camping grounds in the Orlando area, many of which have additional activities besides camping on their premises. The idea of playing go outdoors for an evening and drinking some beer (for those 21+) and burgers over a fire sounds fun to me, your thoughts?
-Second, a smaller, Orlando-only tournament/lecture before the May tournament comes around. Essentially, this would be in one of the rooms in the UCF student union, where we’d have some food, a casual (AGA rated) tournament, some games of course, and I’ll probably try my best at some lectures for those that want to get stronger.
We can do both or neither, too. I want to know if there’s any real interest in either of them before we plan anything…