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Winter Self-Pair event this Saturday

All are welcome to our Winter Self-Pair event this Saturday, December 14 from 2p-6p in Oviedo.  The event will be held at: Epiphany Lutheran Church 1498 Tuskawilla Road, Oviedo, FL  32765 If you would like to play rated games, please make sure you either have a current membership with the AGA or have paid them… Continue reading Winter Self-Pair event this Saturday

announcements · tournament info · Uncategorized

The 2013 Orlando Go Tournament Was a Success

The Orlando Go Tournament was held this past weekend, Saturday April 13 and Sunday April 14. There were five rounds. Thirty-three players participated in the event, with strengths ranging from 20 kyu to 7 dan. We the largest number of dan-level players we’ve had so far (12). There were four divisions, and the winners of… Continue reading The 2013 Orlando Go Tournament Was a Success

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October 2012 Self-Pair Event

SELF-PAIR EVENT: Remember that our October self-pair event is THIS SATURDAY, from 11a – 4p on the UCF campus. We will meet in the breezeway of the John T. Washington Center ( ) if the weather holds. If it is raining, we’ll move to the student center food court. Please check in with me… Continue reading October 2012 Self-Pair Event